No jump on Long Atack ? Dog goes under the sleeve? Or another problem with attacks? Check one of the trick which solve this problems. Here I want to show you tricks how your dog will be able adapt himself in the moment for any helper style and any cases which dog will be standing against to. Tricks which get your dog striking all attacks.
Helper was different - so be adaptable for all settings, sleeve presenting, angles, height of the helper.
Sleeve was different - so read different size of sleeves.
Angle reading has help in general for better strike of wide sleeves, quicker strike, fuller grips in all attacks.
Here im showing how do I challenge dogs to do fuller, faster and harder grips.
One of my favorit training exercise is in this course - the challenge to make dogs searching the way how to get into full grip. Dogs after that more appreciate the sleeve, they have calmer grips, are more stable and much more technical and quicker.
This course I have been creating because all helpers have different style, they have different sleeves and attitudes. Your dog can be adaptable and unbreakable.